You need these tools to build a killer website
So you wanna build a killer website that stands out in 2020 huh? Well here are some free tools that would get you on the path to building relevant sites that you see in 2020, enjoy.
To start, I would say understanding how to code in React one of the languages you should know. React is a declarative, efficient and flexible Javascript library for building user interfaces. It gives you the ability to construct complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code call components. With these components created you have the ability to share it with any other components that would render to the DOM with ease, it’s very neat! You’ll love it for sure.
Another Javascript library that usually is associated with React is Redux! Let's say you have someone fill out one of your forms and you want to be able to save the changes they have made, Redux is here for you. It is a library for managing state and the objects that are created are controlled by using actions and reducers.
Okay Okayyy, so we were able to get some of the framework setups out of the way lets add some styleee. Well over here we could use bootstrap! This is a CSS framework dedicated to designing responsive and mobile-first websites. My first time using bootstrap was for adding cool buttons, tables, or even forms for my React projects! I love how easy you could install the libraries and have the ability to customize the features as well! It would definitely give your program a better aesthetic appearance for the UI.
Diving more into UI’s let's talk about making a cool jaw-dropping background! This is where we could leverage sites like We’re able to use modern-day features of style and color gradients for our background to give y users a customized experience that’ll take their breath away. It’s definitely a must-have website for CSS!
Okay, so now you were able to have customized libraries to code in and to create new objects. We’ve added bootstrap to create pre-written functions for tables, buttons, headers, and forms to name a few. We’ve customized our backgrounds to match our user experience we’ll like to achieve. But how about that stale font that still piercing our eyeballs??? Well say no more, is here to save the day!
Did you know that fancier fonts are associated with more skill in certain professions? Well to make sure that we put our best foot forward we have pleather of different fonts we could choose from at Giving us that aesthetic touch to differentiate us from the crowds!
And here we have it, combining all the tools mentioned above would have your website looking modern with all the latest customizations 2020 has to offer from a framework perspective as well as UI. I also encourage you to search yourself through the web for the even cooler websites to help you along your journey since only some were covered here. Happy Coding!